Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kitty Monster!

Linus, Kitten Extraordinaire.

What was I thinking?  That a kitten would be cute and cuddly and sweet and loving.  Check. This is Linus and he is all those things.  He is also energetic, tireless, fearless, inquisitive, rambunctious and sometimes a holy terror.

He and I disagree about who owns the kitchen counter.  Clearly he should know that the one who cooks is the master of the kitchen, hence the counter top.  He however, insists on helping out.  He "pops" in every opportunity he gets for a up close and personal inspection of every activity that takes place on top of the counter.  I pick him up, say "NO!" in a firm, stern voice and deposit him back on the floor where every good kitten belongs.  He repeats the previous behavior, I repeat the previous behavior.  I do have a spray bottle of water handy.  As you can see it doesn't seem particularly effective.  Time will tell who can outlast the other.

I came home the other day to find the whole toilet paper roll in my bathroom lying in an untidy pile on the floor.  Later, before I had a chance to pick it up, I discovered Linus lounging happily on top of it.

Sweet Linus snoozing in his favorite basket on the dining room table!  Jeff added the "kitty" blanket once it became apparent Linus had claimed it as his own.  It used to host a candle and a candle ring.

 The two older boys, Jinx and Moses have slowly accepted Linus and no longer take swipes or hiss just because he happens to be walking by.  Linus, in his kitten naivete, is undaunted by their rebuffs and will joyfully bound up to them in greeting anytime they catch his attention.  He loves to pounce on Moses and despite Moses' three times larger size is able to flatten him.  Moses will squeal and scream, hissing and scrambling to get away.  Ironically, Moses is receiving his just desserts.  He used to pounce on other smaller members of the feline family and inflict the same kind of "play."  Linus does treat Jinx with more reverence than Moses, perhaps sensing his more elderly, delicate disposition. 
Mr. Tibbs

Mr. Tibbs has been introduced to Linus on several occasions (Linus escape attempts) and as expected, is friendly and curious as long as Linus doesn't get too friendly himself.

I've become like Hodini and learned how to squeeze into the house via the garage door entrance through a crack the size of a quarter while using my leg and purse to block the passage of one small kitten hell bent on acquiring freedom.  Gone are the days where I can wander in from outside closing the door behind me in a leisurely manner.  Quickness is the name of the game.

Did I mention Linus is curious and loves to play?  The cat toy basket hasn't seen such hard use, well ever.  Linus loves to take out a ball or mouse and "chase" it all over the house.  Frequently it ends up on our bed.  He has a string (compliments of R & C's cottage), which he loves to drag around.  When he is in play mode he has only one speed and that is peddle to the meddle.

The living room during a Linus play session.

The culprit (on the stairs) and his handiwork.

What?  I'm just having some fun.
On a positive note, let me refer back to the first statement I made at the top of the page.  Linus is sweet tempered, loving, cuddly, easy going and he has captured our hearts.  He has shaken up our complacent home and brought a sense of fun and excitement to it.  Oh yeah, unlike most babies, he is more than content to snuggle next to me at bedtime and sleep the night through. He even assisted me during the writing of this post by keeping my lap warm.   I guess I did know what I was doing after all.


1 comment:

  1. Oh he looks so happy! :). And you are still talking to me....right? The three we kept are up to similar antics so imagine Linus x 3. Billy Bones just broke a four cup Pyrex measuring cup and socks are not safe here...they get drug around and hidden. Give the big guy a big kiss and hug from us please!
