Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy Michigan Winter!

Well, I have to say the year 2014 has started out with a chilly blast.  Record cold temps, a foot of snow, cars that are leaking oil, outdoor cats sleeping indoors, all are indicators of an interesting year ahead.

What a lovely top hat you have Mr. Bird Feeder.

Due to a busy work schedule H's kitty cat is in residence and Mr. Tibbs has abandoned the great outdoors for a cushy sofa and more temperate climes.  When I feed the feline hoard in the morning it appears as an ever shifting ocean of fur balls emitting various meows, hisses and growls as all five of them vie for the prime spot to receive the first of the morning offering. 

Moses, "Woman, must you bore us with your ceaseless interruptions?"

Linus, "Hey, I'm keeping an eye on you, so don't try anything sneaky!"

Moses, "Leave now and no one will get hurt."
The felines have been entertaining as they adjust to the two "new" intruders.  Actually Moses and Jinx don't mind Suss, though she minds them a lot.  Mr. Tibbs and Linus have become sparing partners giving Moses a much needed break.  I think Moses has grown weary of the whole wrestling scene.  Suss will be going back to East Lansing this weekend and I'm sure Mr. Tibbs, with warmer weather on the way, will head back outside.

Suss just hanging out.

Linus, "I can do that too, See!"

Meanwhile I've been trying to keep my anxiety level low as I worry about the extreme cold, flooding in Evart, and tons of snow affecting our "farm."  We haven't had a chance, with our crummy schedules and the busy holidays to get back to the farm since December 16th and see how it is faring.  Our first chance to visit will be the weekend of the 17th.  None too soon for me and my angst.

Jeff, when we go, will be well equipped to handle any emergency as he sports his Christmas present, l.e.d. lights included.  I had purchased the cap as a gag, not thinking Jeff would keep it. Jeff, however, thinks it may be just the ticket on those cold wintry nights when a barn check will be in order.

I'm trying to keep my mind from screaming in panic at the daunting task ahead of us this year, including, rooms to be painted in the house, adjustments made to the kitchen and a mud room to be created where there was none.  The act of finding a competent and trustworthy contractor to complete said changes.  There is a barn to be built and fences to be erected.  More contractors needed.  A house in Troy to be brought up to snuff so it can be put on the market.  A houseful of furniture and 15 years accumulated "stuff" to be moved.  An estate sale held to get rid of the "stuff" not making the move.  Oh yes, a truck to be purchased and apparently a new vehicle for myself, since my current PT cruiser has sprung a leak.  Unless we decide to fix it.  (Automobile shopping has never been on my list of things I enjoy doing.  I consider it a necessary evil.  So I'm pushing to fix my PT and save the shopping for another day.)  A daughter to be graduated and properly celebrated.  A daughter to then be situated safely in a new college and town, yet to be determined.  

The above is just an abbreviated list of what seems like hundreds of minute details that insist on nagging me when I'm supposed to be sleeping.  Keeping the panic to a low ebb is the key, right?

Happy New Year Michigan style!

D  :)


  1. Phew! Deep breath...... All will be well and you have an exciting time ahead of you. Love the Suss photo and the Linus imitation. Will commented last night he was wondering how big he was getting. We may need to pay you and Jeff and Linus a visit to keep Will happy! ;). That hat is awesome!

  2. Tell Will, Linus is getting bigger and bolder. Not like he wasn't already. Once we get squared away in Evart you will have to come down and give us your experienced advice and wisdom while checking in on Linus. :)
