Monday, December 16, 2013

Happy Birthday Indeed!

Today for my birthday, my husband bought me a farm.  How generous and giving of him!  As I celebrate my mid 50 birthday I am so thankful for the blessings I have and the adventures that await.  The threshold of 2015 is beckoning with opportunities, and learning and growing experiences.

Our snowy front yard and road beyond and then our neighbors beyond that.

Our peaceful back 20.

We met with the seller's daughter prior to the close at 1:00 p.m.  She had graciously agreed to walk the property lines with us.  We had no survey and had some questions about our property boundaries.  Jeff, I and Michelle donned our boots, hats, and extra thick gloves (at least I did) and headed out.  The temperature hovered around 15 but the sun was shining bright.  The snow on the lawn was only about six inches deep.  As we walked further into the fields and woods, the snow became deeper.  I had chosen to wear my new wellies with alpaca socks for warmth, thinking I was quite clever.  The snow was deeper than my wellies in most places and I soon respectfully allowed the seller, Michelle, to blaze the trail through the depths.  At the farthest point from the house, I saw our realtor, Julie, frantically scanning the horizon for us. I realized we were going to be late for our closing, since it was almost 12:50 p.m.  Have you ever tried to run in thigh high snow?  It has a slow motion kinda feel.  When we finally arrived back at the house, me with blocks of ice for feet, Julie was ecstatic.  She couldn't see us (for some unknown reason because I could see her just fine) and was afraid she would have to call 911 because she would have been useless to us (Her words, not mine).   Apparently it is possible to be swallowed by thigh high snow?  I spent the next two hours at the closing with wet jeans from the knees down.  The snow topped my wellies and melted leaving my jeans soaking wet.  Clever indeed.  

Kidding aside, our realtor Julie, was wonderful and has guided and educated us through this whole farm buying business.  We love her and now consider her a friend.  The sellers, who we met for the first time today, were gracious and patient, answering all of our questions.  The closing went smoothly, wet jeans not included, and we now are the proud owners of two mortgages.
 As I stood looking out the dining room window over the "backyard" of our new home, the sun was heading towards the horizon and casting a golden light over the snow (which I failed to capture with my camera).  Peace and calm wafted around me and I didn't want to leave.  I've had moments when I doubted the wisdom of our choice of property and the direction we've chosen.  I didn't feel any doubts this afternoon.  It felt like home.

D :)


  1. Happy Birthday Denise! I am a fellow Sagitarrian! :). Nice present Jeff.

  2. Awwww - so happy for you - a dream fulfilled....
